Memory quilt top sewn

Behind my self-imposed schedule, as usual, but I’m pleased to say that I’ve finished sewing the top of the memory quilt.

On Friday morning, I completed my first row. Which was actually two rows sewn together. I’ve been sewing the squares in blocks of 4s for the bigger (6×6) squares and blocks of 16s for the smaller (3×3) squares. Which actually equates to two rows at a time. In the evening, and onto a row which consisted of a lot of little squares, I was close to throwing the sewing machine out the window whilst I struggled to align the joins of the little squares. Some I had to redo at least three times. Not my best Friday night ever. Anyway, here’s row 1.


On Saturday, desperate for time saving methods, I started chain sewing the little squares. Rather than cut the thread each time I’d sewed two squares together, I just chucked another pair under the needle, leaving a little gap between the pairs. Can you see the chain?


By the end of Sunday, I’d sewn another two rows of two. So six rows down, four to go. Not where I’d hoped to be, but I didn’t get the me-time I was hoping for, which meant crafting took a backseat. Here’s the six rows together.


Monday night, another extension, my plan was to get it all sewn that night. Nope! Poorly baby. Penultimate row of two done.


Tuesday morning, back on it. Last row of two finished.


Tuesday afternoon, thanks to my little man helpfully having a good nap, I trimmed the rows so they were all the same width and sewed them all together. Voila!


I suggested to the friend who is paying me to make this blanket that I quilt stars on some of the plain squares. As demonstrated by my son’s bath toys!


Good idea, hey? She agreed.

Having ordered some wadding from America which was not the twin size I ordered, my next lot arrived which was, thankfully, the right size. Incidentally, I contacted the American company who supplied the first lot of wadding and it turns out it’s a problem with Amazon. They’ve refunded me and I have two lots of free wadding to use on future projects … Result!

So next up, I need to order the backing. I need three metres. Which is proving expensive. So, my cost-cutting solution is to buy a single bedsheet or two and use that instead. Watch this space, but not for a week or so. In the meantime, I’ll be busy with little man’s 1st birthday celebrations. Gulp.

And so to bind

Finished quilting the stars, took a lot longer than I thought. Thread kept breaking on me. Anyway, here it is.


A bit crumpled after being rammed under the sewing machine. I’m looking forward to washing the fabric marker off.

Off to bed now, leaving the scary bit (for me) – the binding – til tomorrow.